The Problem
Albanian women and children are vulnerable to sex trafficking and forced labor, especially during tourist season. Although the laws in Albania exempt trafficking victims from punishment for crimes committed as a result of their exploitation, police often fail to identify trafficking victims among individuals involved in forced prostitution. As a result, victims of trafficking and exploitation are also vulnerable to punishment for “unlawful acts” committed as a result of being subjected to sex trafficking.
WHI's Solution
World Hope International (WHI) is working to protect women from human trafficking by teaching them handicraft skills, like knitting. Beneficiaries are selling their crafts and earning income, helping them to remain self-sufficient and less likely to be lured in by false offers of exploiters. Handicraft products are being distributed through two organizations, the biggest one being a company called “Eternal Threads.” Other anti-trafficking work involves education and awareness that is carried out by WHI volunteers in-country.
The Impact
WHI is empowering high-risk women and girls in Albania to earn an income, helping them be less vulnerable to the exploits of human traffickers.