The Problem
Because of its large internally displaced population, Azerbaijan is considered a gateway country for human trafficking, where the Global Slavery Index estimates that 45,000 people are trapped in modern slavery.
WHI's Solution
World Hope International (WHI) works to ensure families and individuals in Azerbaijan have the knowledge and education necessary to protect themselves from the exploits of human traffickers. WHI conducts anti-trafficking education and outreach campaigns to parents, teachers, and students of all ages, specifically targeting Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) settlements and low-income areas. We create and utilize education materials in the native language of our beneficiaries and hold regular seminars to teach people how to recognize the signs of potential trafficking and whom to contact if a trafficking case is discovered. WHI also trains and equips Community Parent Groups to carry the anti-trafficking prevention work forward by educating others, assessing community needs, and reporting suspicious activities to law enforcement officials.
The Impact
As a result of WHI’s work, vulnerable communities and individuals in Azerbaijan have the knowledge and awareness to protect themselves from traffickers and to identify trafficking when it occurs.