Village Partnerships: Cité Soleil
Partner: The Bullen Ultrasonics
Population: 205,000
Households: 25,625
Status: Active
Location: Cité Soleil, Haiti
GPS Coordinates: N/A
Village History
Cité Soleil is the largest slum located two miles from Port-au-Prince. The city has a reputation for violence and gang activity. However, the next generation of young people are fighting against this through education. Families are working hard to ensure that their children are able to attend school regularly. About 10-12 percent of the population works in factories receiving as low as $2.00 per day. Others try to sell items on the street or ask for families for financial support.
Most community members identify as Roman Catholics and the rest as Protestants. Protestant churches include Baptist Methodist, Wesleyan and Seventh Day Adventist. Many individuals and families also practice voodoo, which is a mixture of indigenous Caribbean and imported African practices.
Cité Soleil has over 50 schools and serves between 35,000 and 45,000 children. Out of these, only five of them are public schools which are in very rough conditions. Most children attend private schools that vary in quality of education.
One hospital is operated by Haitian and foreign staff in the city and several clinics are set up by different non-government organizations. With the exposure to trash, sewage, canals of unclean water and violence, many who need medical aid are those with skin diseases, gunshot wounds or other weapon inflicted wounds.
Completed Activities & Impact
Bullen Ultrasonic began a partnership with the people of Cité Soleil, Haiti in January 2016.
Facilitated by World Hope International, Bullen Ultrasonic’s generosity has helped support Ecole Weslayan Jean Hess by providing teachers’ salaries, students’ tuitions and many other needs in the slum of Port-au-Prince.
In 2016, Ecole Wesleyan Jean Huss was established and about 300 students are currently enrolled. The school has six classrooms and additional classrooms in the adjacent Wesleyan church as well as improved floor and fixed seats in latrines for the children.
Staff members, include the principal, accountant, teachers and a janitor. The pastor of the church is also involved in school management. Teachers and administrative staff received salary for shaping the lives of young children on a regular basis, which has led to almost no teacher absences.
Learning is impossible without ensuring proper resources are given to the students to be able to write notes and ensure those notes can travel safely home in a book bag sheltered from rain. 120 students received school supplies, uniforms, books and books bags for the 2016-2017 school year.
Emergency Relief
On October 6, 2016, Hurricane Matthew struck Haiti and killed more than 850 people. This storm was the worst natural disaster to strike the nation since the earthquake of 2010.
World Hope International stepped in to support the community of Cité Soleil by distributing 150 hygiene kits, 150 water filters and 150 buckets. The distribution of the water filters may have saved 80 percent of the children from being exposed to waterborne diseases caused by unclean water. In addition, 18 families received tarps to cover their roof and protect them from rainy nights.