The Problem
Ranking at 154 on the Human Development Index, Papua New Guinea (PNG) is one of the least developed countries in the world. Similar to other countries with a health worker crisis, five women die in childbirth every day in PNG, and five and a half percent of children die before they turn two years-old. Many children suffer from malnutrition, pneumonia, and diarrhea and almost half of children under five are stunted.
Roughly 87% of PNG’s population lives in rural areas where, due to the very rugged terrain, access to health care is very limited. With one doctor per 20,000 population, there is a significant need for more health workers, specifically in rural areas.
WHI's Solution
To address this dire need for health workers and health care, World Hope International is providing scholarships to medical and nursing students in Papua New Guinea. For $45 per month or $540 per year, you can help support a student through their medical studies.
The Impact
By supporting more individuals to pursue their medical studies, WHI is ensuring more families and individuals Papua New Guinea can access basic healthcare and lifesaving treatment when they need it most.