Thanks to your generosity, we have exceeded our goal by raising $108,518.88 to launch a Human Trafficking Hotline and Anti-Human Trafficking Shelter Program in Liberia!
Remember that every dollar is matched 5:1 up to $100,000 by the US Department of State, which means we have raised a grand total of $608,518.88 to help fight trafficking in Liberia.
Helping to End Human Trafficking In Libera
“For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.” Ephesians 2:8-9 (KJV)
Did you know that human trafficking is still a major issue in Liberia?
In fact, according to the US Department of State’s 2016 Trafficking in Persons Report, many men, women, and children in the country are subjected to domestic servitude, forced begging, sex trafficking, or forced labor in street vending, alluvial diamond mines, and on rubber plantations. Due to the socio-economic disparity between rural and urban communities, victims in Liberia are trafficked within the country, primarily from rural areas to urban areas for domestic servitude and sexual exploitation.
WHI called on donors like you to take action to help stop this injustice by launching a new project, “Enhancing Trafficking in Persons Victim Services Program,” in Liberia, and you answered!
Thanks to your generous giving and support, the US Department of State's Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons (JTIP) will be matching our efforts 5 to 1. This funding will provide short-term emergency shelter, holistic case management, and reintegration assistance for up to 50 TIP victims. Further, we will be developing the country’s first national TIP Hotline for identification of labor and sex trafficking victims or at-risk persons.
Our goal to raise $100,000 by September 30, 2017 to cover costs for our hotline and shelter work in Liberia has been met with eight months to spare! Our partner, the US Department of State, will be matching every dollar donated up to $100,000, 5 to 1.
Thank you for doing your part to make a lasting impact in the lives of trafficking victims in Liberia and working to put an end to this worldwide injustice.
We look forward to providing you with updates on the human trafficking hotline and services program throughout the year!