Traffickers target vulnerable people, using lies to prey on those desperate for a better life. Prevention, through education and networking at the community level, is key to protecting those susceptible to trafficking. WHI utilizes public awareness and targeted education to train community stakeholders to identify the signs of human trafficking, where to report it, and how to work with local authorities to keep it out of their communities. Local leaders are often trained and empowered to monitor and report trafficking activity, encouraging community-wide accountability in the fight against slavery.
WHI prevents human trafficking through education in some of the most vulnerable countries in the world:
World Hope International offers regular seminars in villages connected with our Rural & Economic Development programs to educate them on the signs of trafficking.
Sierra Leone
Community watch groups are important to identifying human trafficking in Sierra Leone. World Hope International regularly educates communities on the signs of human trafficking, but also helps to form and train local groups who work with authorities to identify traffickers or trafficking victims.
Because of its large internally displaced population, Azerbaijan is considered a gateway country for human trafficking. World Hope International uses education materials in their native language (the first and only of their kind in country) and regular seminars to inform this and other groups about human trafficking—how to recognize the signs and whom to contact in the event trafficking is discovered.
In the years following Liberia's civil conflict, the government has become increasingly engaged in effort to combat trafficking. World Hope International, both individually and as part of Faith Alliance Against Slavery and Trafficking (FAAST), first became active in anti-trafficking work in Liberia in 2007. Today, we continue our anti-trafficking efforts in Liberia by managing awareness campaigns, education and training, creating anti-trafficking networks/referral systems that link communities, law enforcement agencies and service providers, providing rapid response to victims/survivors, as well as emergency and aftercare care for identified survivors of human trafficking.